
A Love Post

I haven't been my self these last days. You know these allergy- pills I took two days ago? Well, they have made me kind of weird, confused and filled with adrenalin. I been falling asleep at the dinner table and Ive been super- awake the whole night (again!). I don't know when I'm tired and not anymore. They finally stops working tonight. Anyway, that's not what I want to write about tonight. I want to write about my classmates; this post is absolutely dedicated to my classmates. 
I feel so grateful to have such wonderful people around me here in China. They have really helped me a lot these days; they have been running for my medicine, staying awake with me through the night, praying for me, bringing me food and just caring and making me feel loved. I cant describe with words how happy I am to be a part of this class. Love my classmates so much! Thanks God for blessing me with these people.
Its time to prepare for this weekends exhibition early tomorrow.
Time to try to sleep. Wish me luck!
This Post is actually a bit dedicated to my mummy too, which I also love more than words can say (this post truly became a love-post) because its her Birthday today!
Happy Birthday Mum


  1. Hi Bella!

    I hope you'll be able to have a good night of sleep again. It must be very annoying not being able to close your eyes and go to dreamland!
    It's a good thing you have such a nice group of sweet people around you :)
    Gratz with your mother! =D

    CiaO Olivia!

  2. Hi Dex! Thank you soo much. This night was Good, at least Okay... but that is better than Bad! I know, Im such a blessed girl. Longing for u my friend. Talk soon! Ciaoooooooooo

  3. Thankyou Love!<3 And a big hug to the classmates!!!/Mammi

    1. Hope you had a great day mum! I promise Ill hug them. Love u! <3

  4. Du är ju världens bästa person, klart vi tar hand om dig, du hade gjort samma för oss. Vi älskar dig/ Ellen och dina classmates (jag tror dom håller med mig i alla fall;) )<3
