Hello Everyone its Thursday!
This is a day when I'm missing things. I miss things like these awkward "Girl talks" with my best girlfriends. I miss wrestling with my sis. I miss being welcomed home by my little dog. I miss teasing with my cousins. I miss these crazy summerdays at La Quercia and I miss daddy's coffee machine.
Or actually I don't MISS this things, because I don't feel bad about this feeling... I'm just so happy to have these things as a part of my life.
Thank´s God For These Gifts.
An other thing about today; I have muscle pain since my little visit at the gym this Monday. I have this kind of muscle pain that gives you pain while laughing, coughing, getting up from bed and walking on stairs. Ive never truly understood the mix between "take it easy" and "be at the gym". When Im at the gym its usualy more like; "Use your body until you cant use it anymore." I could literally not pick myself up from the last exercise machine. I don't think I need to go there again for at least a week. The massage yesterday didn't help at all, it was just veeery hurtful. I don't wanna complain thou, because in some way I like muscle pain. It just feels good to tell someone that Ive been exercise hard. And now You know. Feel free to feel sorry for me.
I had a Swedish lesson with some Chinese guys yesterday. Their so cute speaking Swedish! I noticed they are very good saying; Fisk och Potatis (that's "fish" and "potatoes" in Swedish) and they are very bad saying; Kött och Öl (that's "meat" and "bear" in Swedish). Did you know that Chinese pronounce; "O" like the Swedish "Å", "E" like the Swedish "Ö" and "U" like the Swedish "O"? That makes it a bit hard for us to learn each others language. Hard but fun!
Swedish for Chinese.
Concentrated Chinese students.
Here you can see how fun m classes are.
I teached my Chinese students how to order food in Sweden.
- Vad vill du äta?
- Vad vill du dricka?
Going to Nordica for Choir and to continue preparing for the Exhibition Opening tomorrow. Dangsters tonight.
. . .
Ciao Ragazzi! Avere una buona giornata!
/ Olivia
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