
I guess you already noticed

I´m trying to learn Popping from YouTube, I´m drinking coffee (fejk coffee. . . I'm not at Starbucks) and I´m eating delicious dumplings. We truly have the best dumplings in town 100 meters from our apartment. That's awesome!
Oh I just got the YouTube-video from our Flash Mob BTW. 
 Check it out!

I love my dance school. I Guess you already noticed. 
I'm going there tonight for MV Jazz and Girl style.

Something more I wanna say? Well, there is a lot to say. I just don't really know how to say it. I mean, I have thousands of feelings about living here in China. Its like nothing I ever experienced before. Not just because of the fact that I get too much attention over here. Did I tell you that I nearly caused a really bad traffic accident by just smiling to a truck driver? Well I did. Its also because of these huge culture differences between Sweden and China. There is so many thing that is hard for me to understand. Things that all the Chinese think is totally obvious. Like not having seat belts for example, or peeing on the sidewalks, or sleeping on the sidewalks, or eating bird seeds and green beans as snax instead of Twix and chips. An other thing; I'm kind of sick of being misunderstood. Especially when I'm proudly telling a Chinese sentence that Ive just learned to someone and they response by looking like a question mark. 


And what about my classmates? 
Ehm; John is sick, Johanna just cut her hair, Filip have bought three packages of  Moon cakes, Louise is sick, Ellen want to eat Sushi for lunch and Linnea prefer going to the market buying Brown Rise instead staying here and talking with me. 

I love them all anyway. I guess you already noticed.

My 5Y lunch. The most deliscious dumplings in town and Tea ofcourse.

 Chinese workers sleeping on the sidewalk.

 Supersweet Ellen eating her favourite lunch.



  1. Förmiddagskaffe och ett nytt blogginlägg från DIG <3 det kan inte bli bättre :-) Älskar Dej!// Mammi

    1. Kinesiskt kvällste och många braiga kommentarer till min bästa blogg. Livet är fint! Älskar DEJ ännu mera! Pusssssssssssssssssssssssssss<3

  2. Ser Nice ut! Kan du inte posta några dumplings till mig? Västra Andersgårdsgatan 12, 41715, Göteborg. Expresspost föredras.. och paketet måste vara smalare än 2,5 cm annars går det inte in i mitt brevikasst, och det vore ju snopet. 3 cm går nog också om det är bra spänst i dumplingsen.. men det är om du vågar chansa.

    1. Eddie! Hej! Asså, självklart! Visst ser dom supergoda ut! Dom ÄR det me! Va vill du ha för innehåll? Grönsaksgojs? Äggsmet? Mosat kött? Storleken är inga problem, de är gummikonsistens på de flesta... men du måste lova att dricka te till (utan mjölk). Hejdå!

  3. 3000 views på din blogg! Woop woop! Jag är jättesugen på att testa dumplings!
    puss och kram!

    1. Woopi, DOOOOPI!! Visst är det coolt! Fast 9000 är ännu coolare! Längtar efter dej skrutt. Kom hit så köper ja jättejättemånga dumplings till dig. <3
