
The Moon Festival

Time: 07.05. I haven't went to sleep yet. Sitting on two madrases beside three sleeping beauties. I got an allergy-attack yesterday evening from a naughty Mooncake. I still can´t breath good enough to lay down, I dont have my usual color of my skin and I'm forbidden to sleep. So well, I gotta be awake, sitting up, being still the whole night! Hardcore. These pills that Ive been taking for my allergy makes me kind of awesome; veeery awake and filled with fantasy. Perfect bloging- time. - Whats a Mooncake? Oh, well, Ill tell you soon. Just want to say an other thing first;

- What A Weekend!

No, I'm not ironic; it HAS been a GREAT weekend . . . until the stupid peanut-reaction of course. This weekend is not a normal weekend its the Moon Festival Weekend, which included for example experiencing the fantastic Nightlife of Kunming and sitting on a roof looking at the moon and eating mooncakes. . .!

... ... ... THE MOON FESTIVAL ... ... ...
The Moon Festival, even called the Mid-Autumn Festival, is one of the most important holidays in China, that appeared more than 3000 years ago. Its a big festival celebrated by Chinese and Vietnam people on the 15th day of the eight month (in the Chinese calender) every year.
The Moon festival is associated with the legend about the archer Houyi and his beautiful wife Changé. The story takes place 2200 BCE, at the time where we had ten suns on earth instead of one. Because of the ten suns the earth became very warm. Houyi got a mission from the emperor to kill all but one of the suns. After he had make it he got a gift; pill who could give him eternal life. The emperor advised Houyi to just eat half of it because of its strong power. Some weeks later Changé found the pill, ate it and immediately she began to fly because of her overdose. She reached the moon where she coughed up half of the pill. Changé couldn't fly back to her husband on earth, so she commanded the rabbit Jade, that lives on the moon, to make a new pill.
The legend says that the rabbit still pounding herbs, trying to make this pill. Once a year, at the night of the Moon Festival, Houyi visit´s his wife. That's the reason why the moon is extremely bright and beautiful this night.
... ... ... ... ...

Moon Festival Snack
I think chestnuts is my new favorite snack

speciality mooncake for Kunming contains a mix of bacon, ham and sugar.

One of the tree great clubs we went to yesterday.
Free entrance, free closet, free drinks, crazy dancing and well blond foreigners is treated like superstars.
Its light outside now. Its Monday morning. Im feeling a lot better so no worries. . . but I still got this incredible super- pill- energy!!! 
What to do, whaaat toOo do?!
Wake Up Everyone!

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