
Chilly Sunday Midday At A Yellow Sofa

You know what?
I was right; Yesterday Was Cool. 

And BTW: I'm on Chinese TV for the second time here in China today. I know that I haven't said about last time I was on TV. But that's just because I wanted to surprise you guys with the TV- recording. . . but I still haven't get that recording so. . . I better tell you that it has happen, and show you my second time on Chinese TV instead. Last time I was on the Chinese News was while I inaugurated Yunnan's police by receiving some kind of diploma on stage. 

Since Ive been in China for two month Ive been on the Chinese News every month so far. I like.
. . .

Check out the Chinese News on the link below:

This last pic is on the sweet boy that made mine and Linnea´s delicious streetfood- lunch yesterday.

Bye for now.


Kind Of Busy SuperSaturday

Hi guys!
Internet is crappy these days, so its kind of difficult to make posts and stuff. But I finally found a computer with Internet and I found ten minutes writing time. So lets make a quick update.
Saturday schedule. Running to Down Town to meat up a huge, secret dance team. We are going to make a Flashmob! (actually not just one, but three Flashmobs). I'm so super- excited, sooo suuuper- exciteed about this! If you don't know what a Flashmob is. You better check it up in YouTube as soon as you can. Because a Flashmob is something awesome.
After these Flashmobs gonna run back to Nordica to prepare for tonight. Got a homework yesterday about expressing a very strange text about; "I'm singing to a tree and a stone no matter if I'm happy or sad" in some kind of art. (on stage in front of a big audience). Me and John is planning to do something like a mini-musical. More about that later.
After the mini-musical its Nightlife time. Going out with all of my sweet classmates. I just know that this day is gonna be cool.
Have to run!
Kisses and a big HUG


A Dancing Box Of Feminine Water In Chinese

Lets talk about Dance! Why? Because I'm finally a part of the greatest dance school in Kunming; DANGSTERS. The Dangsters is a Streetdance school with all of my favourite classes and none of my "don't-like-so-much-classes" (which meens a lot of Hip hop and no Ballet). Ive just been on six classes so far, but I love it! Ive taking classes in Popping, which is my favourite style. I tried Lyrical hip hop, Reggae and yesterday I just tried the sexy feminine style; MV Jazz. The boy who is the the MV Jazz teacher is amazing! That boy is seriously girl:ier than me. I truly think he is the girl:iest of all the girl- students in his MV Jazz class. I may be a bit less boyish after a couple of lessons with this teacher? Some of my dear italian friends would be overjoyed if I took these MV Jazz lessons. Ill do it for them.

And an other important thing:
I just called the water station and ordered a water box all by my self in Chinese. Very proud. We had a little conversation me and the water- girl in the phone. A conversation without a single little word in English. We said:

She: Hello.
Me: Hello I would like to have a box of water.
She: A box of water?
Me: Yes.
She: Do you live at ... (telling me my address).
Me: Yes, that's right.
She: Good.
Me: Thank you.
She: You're welcome, bye!
Me: Bye!

. . .


My Chinese Autumn Break

Hi blog

I´m so sorry for this late update, but I have two good reasons for it. For the first; Ive actually been kind of busy this break, even thou Ive stayed in Kunming and didn't travel like most of my classmates did. For the second; The Internet has been really crappy these last days. But no worries! Now, I'm here and I'm gonna give you a great summary of my fantastic Autumn Break in Kunming.

The weather this week has been lovely, so Ive been sunbathing a lot both in the park and near the pool.
The Chinese thinks Im totally out of my mind laying in the sun.

This Thursday we (Me, Louise and Ellen) ate a colorful dinner at Jeremias place together with some Chines and Finnish people.
Ive learned to say; 
"One, Two, Three, a smoker are smoking a cigarette" 
in Finnish. I think it sounds awesome, finnish is a cool language.

The nail polish- pic represent a shoppingday on GirlStreet.
(plus the fact that I have beautiful nails on both my toes and my fingers.)

As you might see on the last pic; we went to the hairdresser, who totally felt in love with my hair. They had a fight about who were going to give me hair massage and who were going to cut my hair. In the end the biggest man cut my hair. (No wonders why...)

Yes, its true; I spoke for one and a half hour and sang; "Imse vimse spindel" (which was the first Swedish song who pop up) in a Chinese radio program. It was a program about a swedes feelings about living in China. That was superfun!

Wont tell you gous too much about it cause Im gonna try to get a recording and put it on this blog.

A crazy night filled with Chinese, Spanish and loud music. Got a cheeeesy pizza too. Perfect Friday.
(Check out the GangamMan in the right corner!!)

The pic sais it all:
The Robot Found Me. I Am The Choosen One and Im gonna save the world.


Hello Wednesday Morning How Are Ya Doin ?

11.00 This seems to be one of these days when nothing is really bad, but nothing is really good either.
Had a nice dream where I was going to a party of one of my cousins. I woke up just before the party got started thou.
Felt very tired so I stayed in my bed thinking about deep questions like;
Is there any evil people in this world or just extremely hurt and broken people who have socialized too much with other hurt and broken people who believes that the bad things that they are doing actually is good (in a way that a good person cant understand) ?
I thought about this until I got too hungry to stay in bed.
Ive never felt like eating noodels for breakfast before, but I did today. I wanted it sooo much! BUT because this is that kind of day while nothing is really bad, but not really good either, I couldn't withdraw any money from my bank account this morning. Don't ask me why.
With 1.7Y, you cant by any noodles. . . the only thing you can do with 1.7 Y is to go by bus once somewhere. I didn't feel like going by bus before breakfast. So I ate my usual breakfast instead. A banana and a yogurt is not a bad breakfast, but you know, I felt like eating noodles!
I was still tired and hungry after my banana- breakfast. . . started to long for my next meal. One hour later, after realising that these grease stains that Ive drooped on two of my shirts and one of my pair of pants (while practising to eat super- fast with chopsticks) is gonna stay forever, I decided to get rid of my tiredness.
Coffee and egg bun- time.
The little coffee- pouch was extra difficult to open today. Which led to coffee powder everywhere. I still have some annoying powder in my shirt. . . feels like sand. . . not comfortable at all. Tried again with a new coffee- pouch without using all of my enormous powers, and succeeded making a nice cup of coffee.
Right Now: Sitting on my bed after eating two sweet egg-buns and one cup of coffee. The tiredness is gone.
Mission completed
Oh I also have to mention that my only plan for this day was to go sunbathing near the pool. The sun have hide behind the clouds today. Plan destroyed.
So what is going to happen today?
I have no idea. I just feel that its gonna be something extradinary. . . or something very, veery normal.
Feeeel freeee tooo
 Sent me a mail
 a WhatsApp- message
a sms
a Vibermessage
make thousand blogcomments
write me a letter
send a video on youtube
and stuff like that


Some days in Lijiang

Haha! I just realised that this pub I wrote about yesterday actually was in Lijiang. Sorry.
Ey! I heard that its SNOWING in some places is Sweden today. That feels kind of weird while I'm laying here under a palm tree sweating in my bikini.
Life is good.

Thats all about today. Lets talk about Lijiang. We visited both the New and the Old town of Lijiang. Lijiang is a very beautiful city that I highly recommend to everyone who ever visit China.

The big main square is filled with tourist attractions.
Why not go horse riding or socialize a bit with a cowboy or an eagle?
Mc Donald's   KFC   Pizza Hut
This was the first thing we saw when we arrived.
(No, that's not the only reason why I like this city so much)
Dancing- Nationality- Costume- Ladies
I fell in love with these ladies. They are fifteen dancing ladies between 60 and 80 years old who are having dance shows on the big main square. Sooooo cute!!
A speciality of Lijiang is these lovely, what I would call; Bread- Pancake- Omelets.
You can buy it everywhere here.

Every one loved Lijiang.


Home after study trip in Dali and Lijiang

I'm back home in Kunming and just began my lazy morning by starting our fire alarm. I used the microwave a bit too long while I tried to defrost a nice egg bun. It became a black, stinky stone and the plate broke in two pieces. I think our microwave is the the most powerful microwave in the whole world. I had to stand on our table waving with a newspaper in front the angry fire alarm for twenty minutes to make it quiet. Its still annoying me by making a little pip every fourteenth second. . .
Anyway, I truly enjoyed this study trip and there is so many pics, and so much I wanna tell you about this week, that I have decided to divide it in two parts; One part is the Dali- part, and tomorrow Ill tell you the Lijiang- part.
We reached this wonderful city after 4 hours in a bumpy minibus.
Dali is located more than 2000 meters over the sea level and as you can see its surrounded by great mountain rages. Felt like living in a Lord of the ring- movie being here.
One of the beautiful gates to the town.
Dali welcomed us with sun and 28 degrees this Tuesday.
Spent our Wednesday hiking on the amazing mountain rages Cangshan.
It has a highest summit of 4122 meters over the sea level!
(You could really feel the height while walking at stairs.)
 View from our super cosy hotel.
The whole town was filled with these kind of old, cute streets and houses.
There is 40 000 people living in this city.
Me and John ended up on stage this Thursday while celebrating Johanna's birthday on a pub. Didn't get the rest of our "Chinese band" on a pic, but we actually had both a drummer, a base player and two electric guitar players on our spontaneous performance.
To be continued. . .


ChinaLife in October

Monday morning.
Nothing spectacular has happen these last days. But China is spectacular it self. What have I been doing since last time? Hmm. . .  I have seen a miraculas lazershow in the Green Lake Park, I have been on my first Exhibition Opening, I have been singing Christmas songs, I have been on my first Dance lesson on Yunnans coOolest Streetdanceschool, I have been worried becaouse Johanna have been sick too long, I have been plaing piano (. . . I have tried to learn how to play piano), I have been photografed by a lot of chinese, I have been studdying chinese (Good job Olivia!), I have been on a service in our Church, I have been on a birthdayparty for my teachers son and I have been eating delicios pizza. (Yeah, they do have nice pizzas in China too), and I have been packing because we are going for a studdytrip to Dali tomorrowmorning.
Why I choosed this pic?
Because its my favourite sign on it, and because thats what a normal cityview looks like in my hometown, and because I just felt like it.


I Never Have Time To Study

Doing everything I can to feel that I do not have time to study chines.
I just explored something; Buns with a sweet mix of sugar and egg inside! It tastes like some kind of Swedish cake. Ive never experienced something like this here in China. I explored it by trying to buy food today. These buns looked like dumplings with scrabbled egg inside. . . but taste like a cake!
Conclusion; if you buy candy, youll get food. If you buy food, you might get a nice cake! That's all of my Chinese wisdom that I'm gonna share with you this afternoon. Gosh, I really do have time to study now.
 I better do it.


A Love Post

I haven't been my self these last days. You know these allergy- pills I took two days ago? Well, they have made me kind of weird, confused and filled with adrenalin. I been falling asleep at the dinner table and Ive been super- awake the whole night (again!). I don't know when I'm tired and not anymore. They finally stops working tonight. Anyway, that's not what I want to write about tonight. I want to write about my classmates; this post is absolutely dedicated to my classmates. 
I feel so grateful to have such wonderful people around me here in China. They have really helped me a lot these days; they have been running for my medicine, staying awake with me through the night, praying for me, bringing me food and just caring and making me feel loved. I cant describe with words how happy I am to be a part of this class. Love my classmates so much! Thanks God for blessing me with these people.
Its time to prepare for this weekends exhibition early tomorrow.
Time to try to sleep. Wish me luck!
This Post is actually a bit dedicated to my mummy too, which I also love more than words can say (this post truly became a love-post) because its her Birthday today!
Happy Birthday Mum