
I Never Have Time To Study

Doing everything I can to feel that I do not have time to study chines.
I just explored something; Buns with a sweet mix of sugar and egg inside! It tastes like some kind of Swedish cake. Ive never experienced something like this here in China. I explored it by trying to buy food today. These buns looked like dumplings with scrabbled egg inside. . . but taste like a cake!
Conclusion; if you buy candy, youll get food. If you buy food, you might get a nice cake! That's all of my Chinese wisdom that I'm gonna share with you this afternoon. Gosh, I really do have time to study now.
 I better do it.


  1. Hey kom vi inte överens om att du skulle leva på yoghurt och bananer tills du kommer hem?! Älskade unge! Ha en toppenhelg, kram! Mammi

    1. Hej Mammi. Näe asså vi kom inte överens, men vi lade fram det som ett förslag. Det var ett klogt men långtråkigt förslag. Och jag lever ju! Älskar dej! Hoppas du hade en suverän helg också! PUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

  2. Yes, you better study some chines now, and stop exploring chines food... What's wrong with nudels?


    1. Hahah! Oh stop it dad. . . food is thousand times more fun than studying and you know it. Ill show you when you come to visit me. And nothing is worng about noodles, but you know how easily I get bored. . . please come here and make me a carrotpancake with bacon and milk. <3
