
Welcoming Performance

Hi blog!
The big Welcoming Performance is getting closer and I’m starting to get very nervous. There is much to prepare; dances, songs, pictures, sketches and of course a lot of commercial. You can find these awesome posters all over Kunming.
Me Linnea John Louise Filip Johanna Ellen

We have also sent out flayers with invitations to our Welcoming Performance to a lot of random people we meet on the streets, in school, on cafés, in restaurants, in cabs and everywhere else. So hopefully there is going to be someone in the audience on Saturday. We are going to make a show inspired by Disney. That means that each part of this show has something to do with one of the lovely Disney movies. For example; I’m going to sing a song from Pocahontas, dance together with Linnea to a song from Aristocats and sing in our class-choir to a song from Tarzan and from Toy Story. Even thou I’m nervous I know this is gonna be great.

Feel Very Welcome Everyone!

Saturday at 20.00

TGC Nordica
Xiba Lu 101,
 Loft Kunming 650032,

(This is also the address to all of you who wanna visit me, or sent me a little sweet letter)

Love From Olivia