
I Will Be The Very Important Glögg- Girl

Godmorning Cloudy Wednesday
The Christmas Fair is getting closer.
Its starting on Friday at 5PM and finish at 9PM. And on Saturday it starts at 10AM again and finish at 6PM. There will be a huge Christmas market, Children activities, Barbecue, Waffle making, Special Christmas offers in the restaurant, Christmas candy, Lucia celebration, Swedish cafes, Free massage, Photo studio and Live performance on stage. I'm going to sing and play a lot of times. I'm SUPER NERVOUS and SUPER EXCITED at the same time. Oh, I missed the best part; I will be the very important Glögg - girl these days. My job is to stand close to the entrance selling Swedish Glögg and making everyone feeling as joyful as possible.
Early on Sunday morning we are going to the Miao Village to celebrate something with them. I don't remember what it was. . . and I don't really care, celebrations use to be great anyway. ^^
More about that later.
As you might notice; I'm going to have a pretty busy weekend. That's why our nice teacher gave us a free day today. And what am I going to do on my free day?
I'm going to spend my whole afternoon talking boys with Lovely Linnea at Starbucks and drink their;
Grande- Christmas- Latte- with- toffee- and- sweetened- walnuts.
. . . and I promise Ill take a lot of pics mum.

1 comment:

  1. My lovely darling, I´m absolutely sure you´re gonne be the very best glögg-girl in the Chinese history!
    xoxo Mammi <3
